Pool Rules

Rules have been established for the courtesy and safety of all pool members and guests. Please cooperate with the pool manager or guards by making sure all family members and guests are familiar with these rules.

General Health, Safety, and Guidelines

  • No pets are allowed on the deck or in the pool.
  • No running on pool deck.
  • “Chicken fights”, horseplay, shoving, and dunking of other swimmers is prohibited.
  • No one should use the pool during periods of bad colds or other contagious or infectious diseases.
  • No glass bottles or containers of any kind in or around the pool area.
  • When a guard is on duty, each 50 minutes past the hour, a whistle will be blown to indicate an adult-only swim for those 18 and over.
  • The pool’s phone is intended for safety purposes. Calls made by pool members should be limited to 2 minutes.
  • No smoking within or near the boundaries of the pool fencing.
  • Management reserves the right to deny access/use of the pool to anyone at any time.
  • Verbal or physical abuse of pool staff, members, or guests may result in loss of pool access.
  • During the following inclement weather all members and their guests are required to take appropriate action:
  • Thunder – All members and their guests must exit the pool for a period of 30 minutes after the last thunder was heard.
  • Lightning – All members and their guests must exit the entire pool area for a period of 30 minutes after the last lightning was seen.
  • Heavy Rainfall (pool bottom not visible) – All members and their guests must exit the pool until the pool bottom is visible.

Pool Access

  • No entry into the pool without a PIN code. No PIN code, no swimming, no exceptions. This is for security, insurance, and liability reasons.
  • Members and their guests may use the pool during guarded hours without having to complete an “Unguarded Pool Usage Waiver” form.
  • All members who wish to use the pool during unguarded hours must have completed an “Unguarded Pool Usage Waiver”.
  • Pool members will gain access to the pool at ALL times using their PIN code. Members agree to always enter their PIN code, even when entering in groups; no tailgating allowed.
  • Members shall not share or loan their PIN Code to anyone.
  • No PIN code, no swimming, no exceptions! This is for security, insurance and liability reasons.
  • Anyone not in possession of a valid PIN code may be asked to leave the premises immediately.

Unguarded Hours

In addition to all of the Pool Rules and Regulations listed herein, there are additional and specific rules for members and their guest(s) for unguarded hours. These are listed in the Unguarded Pool Usage Waiver and must be adhered to. Violation of these rules may lead to the member and their family losing either unguarded or all pool privileges for the remainder of the season, at the sole discretion of the Pool Committee.

  • All guests during unguarded hours must be accompanied by a member 18 years of age or older.
  • There will be no use of the diving board during unguarded hours.

Children – Unguarded Hours

  • Children of authorized adult members under 18 years of age must always be accompanied by a parent or guardian 18 years or older during unguarded hours.
  • IMPORTANT If any minor from your household is caught using the pool without a parent or guardian present, unguarded hours and possibly all pool privileges will be revoked for the entire household for the remainder of the season.

Children – Guarded Hours

  • Children 12 and under must have a parent, sitter, or sibling who is 13 years of age or older present.
  • Children ages 13 to 17 may use the pool without a chaperone provided they exhibit appropriate behavior (i.e. are aware of and follow the pool rules).

Children – General

  • Children may use floatation-assistance devices when accompanied in the pool by a parent or guardian.
  • All children who are not fully toilet-trained must wear diapers and/or rubber pants while in the pool. If an accident occurs due to a violation of this rule, the member will be assessed a clean-up fee of $250 per incident.

In the Pool

  • No hanging on the rim of the pool basketball goal.

Diving Board Rules

  • Diving board takes precedence in pool diving area.
  • Non-swimmers are not permitted to use the diving board.
  • One diver at a time on the board and ladder.
  • Only one bounce to jump or dive straight off the end of the board is permitted.
  • Handstands, cartwheels and sitting or back dives are not permitted.
  • The pool diving area must be clear before using the board.
  • Exit the pool diving area immediately after using the board.
  • Jumping off the diving board into the arms of another swimmer is not permitted.
  • Goggles, masks and floatation devices may not be worn while using the board.
  • No floats in pool diving area.
  • Obey all staff instructions for safe use.
  • Divers assume all risk of injury due to misuse or failure to follow these rules.


  • Guests must be accompanied by a pool member at ALL times, no exceptions.
  • Members are responsible for paying a guest fee of $5/guest or purchasing a guest pass. Pass is not valid for parties.
  • Members are responsible for the behavior of their guests.

Inappropriate Behavior

Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and includes but is not limited to:

  • Use of offensive language (including cursing)
  • Ignoring safety rules
  • Rude conduct
  • Lewd behavior
  • Smoking/vaping
  • Glass containers/objects, etc.

The pool manager or lifeguards will enforce the following discipline for inappropriate behavior:

  • First Offense of the day: The offender will receive a verbal warning.
  • Second Offense of the day: The offender will be required to sit out of the pool for 20 minutes under the supervision of a lifeguard.
  • Third Offense of the day: The offender will be required to leave the pool for the day.
  • Repeated offenses of inappropriate behavior will be dealt with by the Pool Committee on an individual basis.

Lap Swimming & Swim Lessons

A single dedicated swim lane will be made available for swim lessons and lap swimming. Non-lap swimmers should allow lap swimmers to utilize this lane unimpeded (i.e. please stay out of the lane). Exclusive use of the roped off swim lane will not be allowed during peak pool usage times. Peak usage times are as follows:

Day Peak Hours
Friday 4:00pm - 9:00pm
Saturday 1:00pm - 9:00pm
Sunday 1:30pm - 8:00pm

To better accommodate lap swimmers as well as swim lessons, the Pool Committee has decided to make the pool available to members during Unguarded times prior to normal pool hours. Anyone wishing to utilize the pool during these unguarded hours must have an Unguarded Pool Use Waiver on file with the Pool Committee.

Rules Violation Consequences

Members and/or their guests that are in violation of any of these pool rules will be dealt with in an appropriate manner by the guard staff and/or Pool Committee. Severity of the disciplinary action will depend on both the severity and frequency of the violation but may include penalties up to loss of membership privileges for the day or remainder of the season.

Together for a Porpoise.